On my 30th birthday, I became suddenly paralyzed. I had no idea what was happening, whether I’d ever walk again, if I’d ever be able to carry my then four-month old daughter or what my life would look like.

Now, more than a decade later, I’m passionate about putting a face to invisible illness. I also write the women’s life, style and wellness blog The Modern Savvy, own a PR company and am a mom of two. Blog readers have heard me talk about everything from style finds and fitness to mental health and the reality of navigating a rare diagnosis.

Today, I utilize my one in a million diagnosis of the neurological condition, transverse myelitis, to not only empower and motivate women, but to also educate companies, HR professionals and organizations understand invisible illness, particularly in the work place.

I may look “normal,” yet like so many, I am much more than meets the eye, with a chronic invisible illness that I push through each day. My nerves make my skin tingle and burn, my bladder doesn’t work at all and my exhaustion can be debilitating. Yet, no one can see my disability, just like millions more who fight each day to show up, at work and in their lives. 

I’ll approach your audience with with passion, insight, motivation, humor and honesty.  I am incredibly proud and humbled by the impact I’ve had through sharing my transformative experiences on my blog and now speaking to in-person and virtually to companies, conferences and groups around the country.


Signature Keynotes and Topics

♥ Invisible Illness in the Workplace: Let’s Create a More Vibrant, Inclusive and Compassionate Space
♥ Living with a Chronic Invisible Illness: What Every Person Should Know
♥ From Paralysis to Powerful: One Woman’s Journey & What You Can Learn from It
♥  5 Lessons to Live Authentically, Boldly Into Who You’re Meant to Be
Alyson Seligman, invisible illness speaker, educator and warrior
♥  Create and Enhance Your Professional Brand
♥  Want to Collaborate with Influencers – What Next?
Or, looking for a moderator for your next presentation or panel?  Let’s chat.


Alyson Seligman is a dynamic and engaging speaker.

“Alyson’s ability to connect with every person in the room, regardless of age or gender, by allowing them a glimpse of her world was raw and vulnerable, and at the same time very personal. She not only moved our more than 300 guests at our annual luncheon in an incredibly powerful way by sharing her story, but she also set the bar exceedingly high for future guest speakers. Her impact was so profound that guests are still speaking about the influence of her story in their own lives more than a year later.”

Mary Carhart, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies

She is 100% real and has a way of drilling down deep.

“Alyson is authentic in a world of bloggers that only show you their best versions of themselves. She is 100% real and has a way of drilling down deep to the truth of the matter while remaining incredibly like-able. I’ve never met her personally but she feels like a friend because of her obvious compassion and desire to really reach out and help women. She’s one of the major reasons that I finally got it together and started my own business!”

Amanda, reader

Simply put: Alyson understands women.

“Simply put: Alyson understands women and what we all go through at any phase and any age.  It’s clear she knows we are all capable of greatness and finding joy, and I keep reading her content because she magically connects with me in an emotional, engaging way that both inspires and motivates. I’m confident she’d be an incredible asset at any event!”

– Lynn, reader

Her message and inspiration are timeless.

“Alyson speaks from her heart and soul, transparent in her life’s struggles, and the ultimate decisions she made to take action. Her message resonated with the nearly 50 professional women who attended our Business to Business for Women luncheon, encouraging them to quit making excuses,  and to address their hesitations in taking action. Her story is unique, her message is relevant, and her delivery is REAL! She was truly relatable to her audience, and her message was an inspiration to those who were unclear about taking the next step to greatness. In all honesty, her message can be presented numerous times to the same audience, since what you take away from it is based on where you are in your life. Her message and inspiration are timeless.” – Donna, Women to Women in Business

Alyson’s #VentSesh Made me realize

“A huge thanks to Alyson @themodernsavvy who through her #ventsesh series made me realize it’s OK. It’s OK to be a hard working woman and a wife and a co-worker and to take an hour each month for it to be all about me. I just headed out the door of my first therapy session… happy, smiling and excited to have found comfort and zero shame in the fact that I sometimes need to talk it out.”

– Jess, reader

Ready to Work with Alyson?

Contact me today to see how we can work together to educate, empower and motivate your office, organization or guests. Email